...Nešto sam zaredala s intervjujčekima u zadnje vrijeme:::).a ovaj je kratak i simpa a napisala ga je jedna mlada Lady , baš superiška ♥♥♥♥
It has all once started with Mr. Medeni and this bag.
Što je danas nastalo od tih davnih početaka, provjerite na
Dragu i nadasve pristupačnu gospođu Micu:) upoznala sam preko facebooka. Ono što mi se sviđa u Micinim radovima je šarenilo, izražena kreativnost i unikatnost njenih djela.
Mica koristi koristi razne materijale, nema standard niti model, jer svaka je torbica priča za sebe,a isto tako je različito i vrijeme koje uloži u svaku torbicu. Najviše vremena treba za Miciku jer se tu sve veze ručno. Od struke stižu samo pozitivni komentari i pohvale-pozivi su stizali iz Dobro jutro Hrvatska, Večernjeg lista,nedavno je Mica sa ostalim kreativkama izašla u D&D magazinu,uvrštena je u katalog Vrijedne ruke,itd...
Ljubav koju unosi u izradu svojih umjetnina, očitava se u svakom njenom uratku.
Moram naglasiti da na Micinim sajtovima, odnosno blogu možete pronaći još puno lijepih unikatnih radova, dakle ne samo torbice.
Mici želim još puno, puno lijepih uradaka i pregršt inspiracije u budućem radu.
What is today originated from these ancient beginnings, check on:
I met dear and very nice Lady Mica :) through Facebook. What I like in Mica's work is colorful, strong creativity and uniqueness.
Mica uses a variety of materials , there is no standard model, because each bag isr story for itself, and so is different the time invested in each bag. Micika is the most demanding with the time, because all is made manually. From the side of profession arrive only positive comments and compliments, invitations arrived from Good Morning Croatia, Vecernji list, recently Mica was with other creative girls in the D & D magazine, she was included in the catalog of Valuable hands, etc. ..
Love that she brings into the making of her art, is visible in every her product.
I must emphasize that on Mica's sites, or blog, you can find lots of beautiful unique works, not just handbags.
I want for Mica lot of beautiful creations and lots of inspiration in the future.
mjauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ♥♥♥♥
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